credit: M.A.f.I.A (Movimiento Argentino de Fotógrafxs Independientes Autoconvocadxs)
About the Platform
Connecting knowledges, sharing experiences and building networks in the prevention of femi(ni)cide
Welcome to the Femi(ni)cide Watch Platform (FWP)! We are a volunteer-based team of activists, advocates, practitioners, researchers and academics who curate, categorise and contextualise all kinds of global content related to the prevention of femi(ni)cide.
The FWP is a living platform for generating the must-knows on femi(ni)cide, including key topics, trends, and actors. All information and data is put in context so that stakeholders can grasp the greater picture, learn from each other, identify potential opportunities and address blindspots.
Our main goals
- To curate, categorise, and contextualise knowledge on fem(in)icide from local, national, regional, and global perspectives;
- To educate and raise awareness;
- To transfer knowledges across fields and disciplines;
- To add context and meaning;
- To identify blind spots;
- To increase visibility of key actors and experts.
Key features
- Key information on the issue of femicide and its prevention (e.g., core definitions, facts, figures, data, statistics, etc.)
- Landmark documents issued by key players
- An interactive knowledge base of good practices in multiple areas (e.g., data collection, legislation, jurisdiction, etc.)
- Topical and geographic dossiers, timelines, reading lists
- Direct access to experts and practitioners from around the world and across sectors and disciplines.
The Femicide Watch Platform is a joint project of the UN Studies Association (UNSA) Global Network and the UNSA Vienna's Femicide Team.
A prototype of this platform was presented and launched in May 2017 on the occasion of the 26th session of the UN Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (22-26 May, 2017). Read UNODC'S press statement.
The final platform was launched in 2019. On November 25, 2021, we launched the new version in Drupal 8/9.