Ciudad Juarez

credit: public domain image on Wikipedia

Interactive map of feminicide cases in Latin America since 2019 | Mapa Latinoamericano de Feminicidios (MLF)


Activist Data
Latin America and the Caribbean


The Mapa Latinoamericano de Feminicidios (MLF), or the Latin American Femicide Map, is an interactive map of femicide cases in Latin America. The goal of this initiative is to monitor and visibilize femicide, in order to eradicate violence against women in Latin America and the Caribbean. The MLF was created by MundoSur, a civil society organization that works to promote public policies with a focus on human rights and gender. 

The Latin American Femicide Map was created during the COVID-19 pandemic for the purposes of reporting on the increase in femicides/feminicides in the region during the period of lockdown. This map is the only platform that is open access and provides data on femicides in this region. The MLF is a tool for political advocacy since it provides necessary statistics on violence against women. 

External Authors

We registered 1,381 femicides in 11 Latin American countries during the quarantines due to the COVID-19 pandemic.




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