Counting the dead, calling out femicide: How French media has finally woken up to the cost of domestic violence

Western Europe


A year ago, 12,000 purple-clad French women took the streets of Paris in the biggest march against sexism that the country had ever seen. Only a few streets away, 8,000 Yellow Vests were also marching. While most of the media was busy covering the controversial working class movement, the women only got two minutes of coverage on French national broadcasters. Yet it didn’t change the facts that on average, 219,000 women per year report domestic violence to the French police. In 2018, 121 women were killed by their current partner or ex partner. How could this sustained violence, and its protest against it, have been so invisible?

External Authors

Sophie Chauvet
Many French journalists are discussing the issue of women’s representation in the French media—particularly after the #MeToo movement and #LigueDuLOL scandal. However, until recently, there have been no accurate analyses of the scale of domestic violence.




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