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The architecture of feminicide: The state, inequalities, and everyday gender violence in Honduras

Latin American Research Review (LARR)
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Rather than analyzing these murders as interpersonal acts or linking them to economic deprivation, the actions and inactions of the state that have amplified violence in the lives of Honduran women are examined. A distinction between the state’s acts of omission and acts of commission in order to identify the political responsibility and failures that create a fertile ground for these killings is addressed. A context of multisided violence that facilitates extreme violence in the lives of women is present in Honduras, especially considering the diminishing power of civil society groups and increased political repression after the 2009 coup. The root causes of the wide (and widening) gap between laws on the books—which have been passed mostly to satisfy international and domestic organizations pushing for change—and laws in action, that is, implementation on the ground are identified. Although the focus is on Honduras, the authors note similar experiences of extreme violence in Guatemala, El Salvador, and in other countries in the Latin American region.