FEM-United campaign video series on femicide


The video "Femicide is only the tip of the iceberg" (displayed below) by the FEM-United campaign addresses the many underlying factors that lead to femicide. It is part of a series of videos produced for the campaign “Connect the Dots” by MIGS and the Cyprus University of Technology. Aim is to raise awareness among front-line professionals, policy makers and the general public on the prevention of femicide and to enable citizens to call on governments, politicians and state institutions to take action.

Through the release of the online videos, the campaign will highlight the need to:

  • Name the killings of women and girls due to their gender as femicide;
  • Link the normalisation of violence against women in our societies with femicide;
  • Spot the warning signs and risk factors associated with femicide;
  • Debunk myths and misconceptions on femicide that obscure the foundations of violence against women and femicide;
  • Collectively demand that governments take action to prevent femicide.

The playlist of all videos can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9Kfrt240U7n5zg1SYW599LmkgSvT039I. It includes (so far):

1. "Femicide is only the tip of the iceberg": https://youtu.be/Dvn4-OyAWvE

2. "Call it by its name": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPYPMzwPsS8

3. "Don’t let intimate partner violence happen behind closed doors": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNuPHORCOjM

External Authors

FEM-United campaign

Media Files

FEM-United campaign. Video concept production and development: Frederick University





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