Making Black Femicide Visible: Intersectional, Abolitionist People-Building against Epistemic Oppression

Academic Paper
North America


Shatema Threadcraft explains the reasons why Black femicide has not traditionally been amplified in the public arena, and especially within the United States. "The four problems of visibility" that this violence is associated with are defined, including the private setting, the associations of intimacy, sex and sexuality, the lack of amplification from the public sphere, and the lack of a resonate narrative. The reaction of the public sphere to state violence against Black men versus Black women is compared, looking closely at the murders of George Floyd, Michael Brown and Breanna Taylor. The dramatically different, simplistic narrative of violence against white women versus Black women is compared; and Threadcraft forewarns that policy protecting white women from domestic violence can escalate state violence against Black women. The history and theory behind the lynching narrative and its modern day implications are discussed. Threadcraft concludes by highlighting the epistemic exclusion of Black women from creating and using femicide-related knowledge. 

External Authors

Shatema Threadcraft




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