UNODC Estimates of Femicide/Femincide in 2022


The UNODC and UN Women global research presents recent data that emphasizes the pressing issue of femicide and femincide. Highlighting a discussion on defining the terms femicide and femincide. The research data primarily focuses on intimate partner and family related homicide cases, yet emphasize the importance of how gender related killings can be the cause of other issues or organized crimes. UNODC examines the current trends in female intimate partner/family related homicides, addressing the challenges of accessing estimation over time trends. Additionally the report reviews current preventative methods that some regions are implementing, as well as interpreting the limitations that some of these may have. This analysis provides insight into the prevalent issue of gender related killings in intimate partner/family homicides.


Globally, nearly 89,000 women and girls were killed intentionally in 2022, the highest yearly number recorded in the past two decades




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