Femicide in Mexico: Statistical Evidence of an Increasing Trend

Executive Summary

Femicide is a relative and pervasive issue in Latin America, being one of the most at risk places in the world where many women and girls are killed based on their gender. When analyzing femicide over the years in Mexico it is clear a primary driver of femicide is the cultural term ‘machismo’. This term cultivates an advocacy for femicide and violence against women since it supports male dominance and violence against their spouses or partners. This concept continues to promote domestic abuse and reinforce traditional cultural roles. The use of statistical analysis aids in identifying factors such as geographics and demographics that coincide with the trends of femicide that are present in Latin America. With publication of research in this topic it gives awareness for the current issue, with hopes to gain social justice for this community.



Eve Selene Hernandez Gress
Martin Flegl
Aleksanda Krstikj
Christina Boyes
Since the 90’s, laws were to protect women from violence and numerous campaigns were launched to promote respect for women. Nevertheless, femicide in Mexico has increased.




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