Seeking Justice: Gender Violence in Bolivia

International Human Rights Clinic at Harvard Law School

Executive Summary

The article encompasses the gender inequality within Bolivia, delving into the barriers that exist to gaining equality. The Bolivian government has described that there are many barriers to gender violence, including: judicial, institutional and police investigators. The International Human Rights Clinic at Harvard Law School (IHRC) conducted an extensive investigation of gender violence; the team travelled to Bolivia where they studied and interviewed victims of gender violence, police officials and prosecutors to gain a further understanding of the problem. Once a thorough investigation was completed the IHRC then proceeded to give many recommendations in hopes to decrease the issue of gender violence.


Fabiola Alevelais
Isabel Pitatro
Julia Wenck
Thomas Becker
Gemma Canham


In Bolivia seven out of ten women suffer some form of physical assault, almost always committed by a man living in their home




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