She is Your Neighbour Podcast- When Systems Fail Dr Jennifer Kagan-Viater

North America

Executive Summary

The She is Your Neighbour Podcast episode titled “When the Systems Fail Dr Jennifer Kagan-Viater” is an interview with an advocate for intimate partner violence survivors and their children, specifically as someone who lost a child due to domestic violence. In February of 2020, Jennifer’s 4 year old daughter was killed by her father, making her a victim of femicide as they were found at the bottom of a cliff. It was a murder suicide to get revenge on Jennifer. 

Jennifer discusses how post-separation abuse is very serious and is not taken seriously enough by the legal system and other social services. The abuse usually gets worse post-separation and is a dangerous time for women and the children and the risk of femicide increases. In Jennifer's experience, the systems failed to help her and protect her child, despite her telling them the warning signs she was experiencing. Jennifer now advocates for education, and Ciara’s Law was passed, contained within Bill C233 and demands the need for judges to be properly educated on domestic violence and the warning behaviors. This law is made to ensure judges can put the protection of children at a higher priority and ensure they are aware of how dangerous these situations can be for the women and children. 

Jennifer also discusses her experience within the relationship, and explains that she was love bombed and experienced coercive control. Her partner love bombed her by giving her lots of attention and displaying himself as very charming in the beginning of the relationship. Jennifer explains that once women are committed in the relationship through marriage or a child, the abuse and control will start to show. The controlling behaviors that Jennifer experienced included threats, control, intimidation, controlling of everyday activities, obsessiveness, etc. Jennifer discusses that when violence and coercive control exists in a relationship and the woman tries to separate, the risk of a femicide increases over 900 times, and her daughter fell victim to a homicide as the father was seeking revenge. Jennifer calls for reform in the systems that failed to protect her daughter, including lawyers, courts, and child services. 


Jenna Mayne (Producer)
Lillie Proksch (Host)




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