Femicide Video Series

Research on intimate partner violence and femicide, attempted femicide, and pregnancy-associated femicide

---------- TYPE OF POLICY -----------
North America


In this article, the authors explore several risk factors for intimate partner violence and femicide, including attempted femicide and pregnancy-associated femicide. Some risk factors include firearm ownership, separation/estrangement, and violence during pregnancy, among others. This intuitive piece highlights areas of focus for practitioners to identify and assess the potential for femicide and identifies mechanisms that can be implemented for women's safety planning. This article is only accessible with journal subscription.

External Authors

Jacquelyn C. Campbell
Nancy Glass
Phyllis W. Sharps
Kathryn Laughon
Nanette Yragui
Melissa Ann Sutherland

Risk Factors for Intimate Partner Femicide and Attempted Femicide

  • Separation/estrangement
  • Firearm ownership
  • Controlling perpetrator
  • Unemployed perpetrator
  • Coerced sexual activity
  • Violence during pregnancy




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