
Two global pandemics: Femicide and COVID-19


Dr. Shalva Weil from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem draws attention to the recent global increase in violence against women and femicide. In this notable piece, Dr. Weil discusses the intense focus that is placed on the COVID-19 pandemic and emphasizes that, unlike COVID-19, femicide has not yet been recognized as a global pandemic despite the significant number of women and girls who are killed each year. The author also discusses how COVID-19 has affected domestic violence and femicide.

External Authors

Shalva Weil
Violence against women is inextricably tied to issues of power and control. However much we imagine that the social order has changed and that there is more gender equality, the fact remains that this is still a male-dominated world, today dedicated to combating the virus, but not yet dedicated to eradicating another pandemic: femicide.




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