UNODC-Global Study

An explanation of honour-related killings of women in Europe through Bourdieu's concept of symbolic violence and masculine domination


In this noteworthy piece, Dr. Magdalena Grzyb relies on Pierre Bourdieu's symbolic violence theory to analyze lethal violence against women in Europe. In particular, Dr. Grzyb focuses on so-called "honour killings" in an attempt to understand why they occur in Europe despite high rates of immigration weakening the patriarchal structure of society. The author also suggests mechanisms that can be implemented to prevent lethal violence against women. This article is only accessible with journal subscription.

External Authors

Magdalena A Grzyb
Using Bourdieu’s concept could help understand different dynamics and justifications for honour killings in the immigrant context: it proposes that a new social context of immigration has weakened the symbolic power of masculine domination over women in immigrant communities, a state which may result in stricter control over women, or trigger violent responses to some women’s behaviours that would not have been considered a threat to male honour, prior to immigration.




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