Mexican activists demand national strike to protest femicide

National Strike
In response to alarming rates of femicide and impunity in Mexico, along with more recent cases such as Ingrid Escamilla and Fátima Cecilia Aldrighetti, feminist activists have called for a national strike on March 9th, 2020. People from around the world are showing support for the strike through using the hashtags: #ParoNacionaldeMujeres (National Women’s Strike), #UnDíaSinNosotras (A Day Without Us), and #UnDiaSinMujeres (A Day Without Women). The strike has received support from around the world including from NGOs, activists, feminist groups, universities, Mexico’s government, and political parties. Feminist activists in Mexico are calling on all feminists worldwide to show their support in eradicating gender-based violence.
"In Mexico, at least 10 women are murdered every day, four children go missing, and authorities rarely solve the cases or punish the criminals. "