European Commission

Femicide across Europe: Theory, research and prevention

Exploring the data on femicide across Europe & Data collection: Challenges and opportunities | COST


Femicide across Europe is one of the first books that discusses the various aspects of femicide. Written by leading international scholars from the COST Action IS1206, the book pays special attention to quantitative and qualitative data collection in the following chapters: 

Chapter 3: Data collection: Challenges and opportunities (p. 33), written by Monika Schröttle and Ksenia Meshkova, aims to identify differences and similarities in femicide data collection across Europe and to develop recommendations that would improve femicide data collection in Europe. The chapter compares country-specific data on femicide, discusses information on European databases and observatories, identifies relevant data and indicators for prevention, and presents the current challenges within the study of femicide statistics. 

Chapter 6: Exploring the data on femicide across Europe (p. 93), written by Consuelo Corradi, Anna Costanza Baldry, Sümeyra Buran, Christiana Kouta, Monika Schröttle and Ljiljana Stevkovic, represents the culmination of the Action's accomplishments. Chapter 6 reviews and explores the data on femicide across Europe in detail. European data sources are presented for 26 countries, which constitutes the most reliable exploration of femicide data availability in nation states. The authors present conclusions on the strengths and weaknesses of existing data and discuss the future of femicide research. 

External Authors

Shalva Weil
Consuelo Corradi
Marceline Naudi

Media Files

The most persuasive strength of femicide research in Europe is the
abundance of initiatives, from grassroots data collection to official

Recommendations for femicide data collection include:

  • Improved knowledge base on patterns/developments 
  • Improved definition and data collection strategy 
  • Multiple sources for data collection
  • Possible and minimum indicators
  • International cooperation in data collection

The following international bodies intend to, or have commenced, the collection of information that incorporates data on homicide, with an inclusion of the victims' gender: 

  • Eurostat data on homicides 
  • The European Homicide Monitor (EHM)
  • UNODC's Femicide Watches 
  • The World Health Organization (WHO)

Data from the following countries is considered:

  1. Austria 
  2. Croatia
  3. Cyprus
  4. Denmark
  5. France
  6. Georgia
  7. Germany
  8. Greece
  9. Iceland
  10. Ireland
  11. Israel
  12. Italy
  13. Lithuania
  14. Republic of Macedonia 
  15. Malta
  16. The Netherlands
  17. Norway 
  18. Poland
  19. Portugal 
  20. Romania
  21. Serbia
  22. Slovenia
  23. Spain 
  24. Sweden 
  25. Turkey
  26. United Kingdom 
It is very clear that Europe needs more accurate data and statistics on femicide in order to gain a better understanding of the issue of femicide as well as data and information that are necessary for prevention. The aim is to collect meaningful data, and to evaluate and document it in a way that is useful for social policies and practice.




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