Gender-based violence in Colombia: New legislation targets femicides and acid attacks

Book Publication
South America


In this book, Noelle Jolin examines the Colombian context of gender-based violence and the cases that prompted legislative change following a series of feminist protests responding to series of high-profile femicides. A brief history of violence endured by Colombian women is presented, followed by a discussion of the usefulness of the term “femicide” when analyzing homicide and violent crimes involving women and girls. Next, Jolin presents three high-profile femicide case studies: Rosa Elvira Cely, Sandra Patricia Correa, and Natalia Ponce de Leon. Jolin then evaluates the effectiveness of Colombia’s legislature defining femicide as a distinct crime and a law that increases the punishment for acid throwing. The relationship between law and culture is also explored.

External Authors

Noelle Jolin
“[machismo] is obviously a Latin American manifestation of global patriarchy, whereby males enjoy social privileges within the society and within the family and are considered superior to women.” -Ximena Bunster




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