Rita Banerji



Rita Banerji is a respected feminist activist and author. She is the founder and director of the international, award-winning grassroots campaign, The 50 Million Missing Campaign, which has been working since 2006 to stop the female genocide (gendercide) in India. 

She has published several works on sex and power, sex and violence, femicide, and feminism broadly.

The 50 Million Missing Campaign: Goals

  1. Raise public awareness: To make the public aware of the scale of the ongoing female genocide and to arouse public consciousness and moral accountability for this genocide, nationally and globally, and urge community-based action for justice.
  2. Lobby for international acknowledgment of genocide: To lobby for the international recognition of this gender-specific mass elimination as “genocide” under the 1948 U.N. Convention on Genocide Act. 
  3. Lobby for time-bound action to end this genocide: to lobby for Governmental and international action to stop this genocide: We want to have the government of India commit to a time-line within which India’s female genocide will be contained, and all associated practices like dowry, dowry murders, infanticides and feticides eradicated. 




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