Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation

International Organisation


The Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation (CSVR) is an independent, non-profit organisation. It engages in research, community interventions, policy formation, service delivery, education and training. CSVR undertakes targeted research and advocacy in partnership with civil society and affected communities in order to hold state, continental and global institutions accountable. 

Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV)

CSVR integrates its gender expertise into its interventions and advocacy work across various forums. CSVR: 

  1. Serves as the civil society organization representative on the South African Interim Steering Committee on Gender-Based Violence and Femicide. This committee sits within the Office of the Presidency. 
  2. Works in close collaboration with nongovernmental organization coalitions and networks to address violence against women. 
  3. Published "Violence against Women in South Africa: A Country in Crisis", a research report that is being used in the review of the National Action Plan on Gender-Based Violence. The high-profile study influenced public discourse and sparked the political recognition of violence against women as a nationwide crisis. 




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