Monika Schröttle



Dr. Monika Schröttle is the co-coordinator of the European Observatory on Femicide. 

Dr. Monika Schröttle has headed the research area gender, violence and human rights at the Institute of Empirical Sociology at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg (IfeS) since 2014 and the Research Center Violence, Gender, Human Rights (FOBES) since 2018. She conducts regional, national and international empirical studies on violence, sexual harassment, discrimination and human rights there. Since 2018, Dr. Schröttle has been a lecturer at the University of Fribourg.

Research focus: Interdisciplinary gender and violence research, participation and occupational rehabilitation of people with disabilities, empirical human rights research (including the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Council of Europe Convention on the Prevention and Control of Violence against Women and Domestic Violence - so-called Istanbul Convention)




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