Helena Suárez Val

Academia / Research


Helena holds MAs in Gender, Media and Culture from Goldsmiths, University of London and in Social Science Research from Warwick. Helena has an extensive career in web development and digital communications for human rights. Helena was co-organiser of the first three editions of Jornadas de Debate Feminista, an annual conference gathering academics and activists in the feminist movement from Uruguay and other countries in Latin America. Helena has worked with Amnesty International, the Global Call to Action against Poverty and Cotidiano Mujer. Occasionally, Helena has produced performance works by socially-engaged artists Rajni Shah (UK) and Hekatherina C. Delgado (Uruguay). Helena is currently collaborating with Catherine D'Ignazio (Data + Feminism Lab @ MIT) and Silvana Fumega (ILDA) on an action-research project called Data Against Feminicide.

You can hear Helena (in Spanish) commenting the news from a feminist perspective as co-conductor of the podcast #InformativoFeminista de Radio Nunca en Domingo, which is broadcast online and on community radios in more than six countries worldwide.

Activist-researcher Helena Suárez Val leads Feminicidio Uruguay, a project dedicated to monitoring, recording, and mapping cases of feminicide in Uruguay. She initially started collecting data as part of a collective effort to publicly protest, mourn and make visible gender-related killings of women in Uruguay, organized from the Coordinadora de Feminismos del Uruguay. From 2016, Suárez Val continued the project independently and has been collecting and publishing data about feminicide, feminicide attempts, and other violent deaths of women ever since. She was one of the civil society actors consulted on the first draft of ILDA’s feminicide data standard. She is currently in a doctoral programme at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies, University of Warwick, focusing her investigation on the political effects of the circulation of feminicide data and data visualisations.

Helena Suarez Val




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