Chapter 1: Femicide and Femincide

A Growing Global Human Rights Movement

Book Publication

Executive Summary

Each time a woman or girl is killed by men and the act is tolerated by patriarchal social structures, a fracture occurs in the fabric of society. It is a reminder that the conditions of our lives – and deaths – continue to be determined by norms identified and maintained through male-dominated and misogynistic institutions. Continued progress and hope require that we, as women and girls, along with our allies, recognise our agency and power to continue to resist and change these norms with an awareness of the intersectional conditions that make some, more than others, at greater risk of experiencing male violence. Women and girls are resisting these norms daily in both small ways and big ways. Their every effort contributes to a growing global movement. The Routledge International Handbook on Femicide and Feminicide is both part of and a way to document this movement as it traces the shifts, variations, and expansion of femicide and feminicide historically and today. In this chapter, we describe how this collection looks back at what has been done as it brings together research and action about femicide and feminicide to define, classify, and document its variations; to better collect comprehensive information and data; to successfully determine appropriate sanctions and prevention initiatives; and to productively examine how different countries have responded. This handbook moves us forward by showcasing the most up-to-date grassroots and civil society responses, together with research and policy efforts, to tackle the killing of women and girls. The chapter argues, as does this collection, that the first step in prevention is naming and thereby publicly recognising the problem – making femicide and feminicide worthy of society’s attention.




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