Chapter 5: Femicide and Intersectionality

Book Publication


This chapter explores conceptualisations of femicide from an intersectional perspective. It highlights the main elements found in definitions of femicide and in intersectionality, and their interconnections. The chapter suggests that adopting an intersectional perspective can strengthen the transformative potential of femicide definitions by emphasising the interconnection between gender and other forms of inequalities, and the relevance of structural and contextual elements. It then explores to what extent such an intersectional approach to femicides is adopted in international frameworks, case law and policies addressing gender-based violence. While the United Nations and the European and Inter-American systems show an interest in femicide, these have adopted different approaches that show potential and shortcomings from an intersectional perspective. The chapter concludes with some overarching observations and suggestions on moving towards a more intersectional view of femicides.

External Authors

Lorena Sosa




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