Chapter 11: Femicide/feminicide Observatories and Watches

Book Publication


In this chapter, researchers from six observatories tracking femicide in Argentina, Colombia, Israel, Spain, Panama, and Poland reflect on their experiences to develop a shared understanding of the opportunities, barriers, and advances in monitoring gender-related killings of women and girls. We discuss the role of dedicated women who work from feminist, intersectional perspectives and their strong allies and networks to create and lead femicide observatories in different parts of the world. We reflect on the significance of their work, situating knowledge in the historical and geopolitical contexts to raise public consciousness about femicide while dealing with public pushback and deep emotional tolls on themselves. The importance of individual and collective strengths that is sustaining this work and their efforts to build an evidence base to influence social policies, legal reforms, and broader systemic change are also discussed.

External Authors

Vathsala Illesinghe, Ahora Que Sí Nos Ven, Femi(ni)cide Watch Poland,, Observatorio de Feminicidios, Observatorio feminicidios Colombia - Red feminista antimilitarista, Shalva Weil, Myrna Dawson, and Saide Mobayed Vega




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