photo credit: Blair Fraser auf Unsplash
2023 Research Brief on Femicide by UNODC and UN Women

Global estimates of female intimate partner/family-related homicides in 2022
Key findings
55 per cent (48,800) of all female homicides are committed by family members or intimate partners, underscoring the disturbing reality that home is far from a safe haven for women and girls.
This means that, on average, more than 133 women or girls were killed every day by someone in their own home.
In contrast, 12 per cent of homicides against males are perpetrated in the home.
For the first time since UNODC began publishing regional estimates in 2013, Africa surpassed Asia in 2022 as the region with the highest number of total victims (20,000).
Africa also witnessed the highest number of victims relative to the size of its female population (2.8 victims per 100,000 women), although the estimates are subject to uncertainty due to limited data availability.
Femicides committed by intimate partners or family members in North America increased by 29 per cent between 2017 and 2022, in part due to improved recording practices.
Such killings also increased in the Caribbean by 8 per cent over the same period, while decreasing in Central and South America by 10 per cent and 8 per cent, respectively.
Europe also experienced a 21 per cent average reduction in these kinds of femicides since 2010.
Source: UNODC official press release, available at: https://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/press/releases/2023/November/more-women-and-girls-killed-in-2022-even-as-overall-homicide-numbers-fall--says-new-research-from-unodc-and-un-women.html