Global Knowledge Hub on Femi(ni)cide Learn about what we mean by "femi(ni)cide. Explore our carefully curated selection of articles, studies, reports, events, key actors and much more... Learn more about the platform What is Femi(ni)cide? What do we mean by gender-related killings of women and girls? Where does it happen? Why is it happening? Find more questions and answers in our Femicide 101. Click here to read Knowledges. Experiences. Networks. We aim to showcase and connect activists, academics, researchers and practitioners via our Expert Directory. Go to Expert Directory Get help! We are currently setting up a Global Services Directory. Find local helplines with one click. We aim to include information on all countries world-wide. What is Feminicide? Who is impacted? Why do we need to address it? Why is it distinct from other killings? TOP PICKS The Routledge International Handbook on Femicide and Feminicide Book Publication Read Femi(ni)cide 101: What do you need to know about femicide? Topic Dossier Read The Femicide Volumes Collection 2013-2023 Edited Volume Read Browse by Category Dossier (6) Definition (8) Multimedia (24) News (28) Data (30) Events (16) Activism (17) (-) Policy (30) (-) Research (242) LATEST POSTS The death of Eugenia Baja: Feminicide and transnational feminist organizing among Filipina migrant workers 08.02.2019 Study Read Report on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia 12.03.2020 Report Read Making Black Femicide Visible: Intersectional, Abolitionist People-Building against Epistemic Oppression 01.04.2021 Academic Paper Read Femicide Volume Special Issue 2022: Femicide Observatories and Psychological Violence against Women, especially Mothers Edited Volume Read A Blueprint for Canada's National Action Plan on Violence Against Women and Girls 01.02.2015 Guideline, Framework Read EIGE 2021 report on Measuring femicide in the EU and internationally: an assessment 23.11.2021 Report Read UNGA declaration on the elimination of violence against women 48/104 (1993) 20.12.1993 Resolution Read Online and ICT-facilitated violence against women Study Read The bio-politics of population control and sex-selective abortion in China and India 02.02.2017 Study Read Masculinities and femicide 01.01.2017 Study Read Neoliberalism, NAFTA, and dehumanization: The case of femicides in Ciudad Juárez 01.01.2019 Study Read Intimate femicide: The role of coercive control 07.04.2017 Study Read Femicide and the feminist perspective 01.01.2011 Study Read 2012 Vienna declaration on femicide (petition) 01.12.2012 Guideline, Framework Read "What guarantees do we have?" legal tolls and persistent impunity for feminicide in Guatemala 02.01.2018 Academic Paper Read UN essential services package for women and girls subject to violence Guideline, Framework Read 2005 report on Mexico by CEDAW and reply from the government of Mexico | UN CEDAW 27.01.2005 Convention Read Protocolo de actuación en la investigación del Delito de Homicidio desde la perspectiva del feminicidio Mexico 25.11.2009 Guideline, Framework Read + More
Global Knowledge Hub on Femi(ni)cide Learn about what we mean by "femi(ni)cide. Explore our carefully curated selection of articles, studies, reports, events, key actors and much more... Learn more about the platform What is Femi(ni)cide? What do we mean by gender-related killings of women and girls? Where does it happen? Why is it happening? Find more questions and answers in our Femicide 101. Click here to read Knowledges. Experiences. Networks. We aim to showcase and connect activists, academics, researchers and practitioners via our Expert Directory. Go to Expert Directory Get help! We are currently setting up a Global Services Directory. Find local helplines with one click. We aim to include information on all countries world-wide. What is Feminicide? Who is impacted? Why do we need to address it? Why is it distinct from other killings?
What is Femi(ni)cide? What do we mean by gender-related killings of women and girls? Where does it happen? Why is it happening? Find more questions and answers in our Femicide 101. Click here to read Knowledges. Experiences. Networks. We aim to showcase and connect activists, academics, researchers and practitioners via our Expert Directory. Go to Expert Directory Get help! We are currently setting up a Global Services Directory. Find local helplines with one click. We aim to include information on all countries world-wide. What is Feminicide? Who is impacted? Why do we need to address it? Why is it distinct from other killings?
Knowledges. Experiences. Networks. We aim to showcase and connect activists, academics, researchers and practitioners via our Expert Directory. Go to Expert Directory Get help! We are currently setting up a Global Services Directory. Find local helplines with one click. We aim to include information on all countries world-wide. What is Feminicide? Who is impacted? Why do we need to address it? Why is it distinct from other killings?
Get help! We are currently setting up a Global Services Directory. Find local helplines with one click. We aim to include information on all countries world-wide. What is Feminicide? Who is impacted? Why do we need to address it? Why is it distinct from other killings?
What is Feminicide? Who is impacted? Why do we need to address it? Why is it distinct from other killings?
The death of Eugenia Baja: Feminicide and transnational feminist organizing among Filipina migrant workers 08.02.2019 Study Read
Report on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia 12.03.2020 Report Read
Making Black Femicide Visible: Intersectional, Abolitionist People-Building against Epistemic Oppression 01.04.2021 Academic Paper Read
Femicide Volume Special Issue 2022: Femicide Observatories and Psychological Violence against Women, especially Mothers Edited Volume Read
A Blueprint for Canada's National Action Plan on Violence Against Women and Girls 01.02.2015 Guideline, Framework Read
EIGE 2021 report on Measuring femicide in the EU and internationally: an assessment 23.11.2021 Report Read
UNGA declaration on the elimination of violence against women 48/104 (1993) 20.12.1993 Resolution Read
The bio-politics of population control and sex-selective abortion in China and India 02.02.2017 Study Read
Neoliberalism, NAFTA, and dehumanization: The case of femicides in Ciudad Juárez 01.01.2019 Study Read
"What guarantees do we have?" legal tolls and persistent impunity for feminicide in Guatemala 02.01.2018 Academic Paper Read
2005 report on Mexico by CEDAW and reply from the government of Mexico | UN CEDAW 27.01.2005 Convention Read
Protocolo de actuación en la investigación del Delito de Homicidio desde la perspectiva del feminicidio Mexico 25.11.2009 Guideline, Framework Read