Global Knowledge Hub on Femi(ni)cide Learn about what we mean by "femi(ni)cide. Explore our carefully curated selection of articles, studies, reports, events, key actors and much more... Learn more about the platform What is Femi(ni)cide? What do we mean by gender-related killings of women and girls? Where does it happen? Why is it happening? Find more questions and answers in our Femicide 101. Click here to read Knowledges. Experiences. Networks. We aim to showcase and connect activists, academics, researchers and practitioners via our Expert Directory. Go to Expert Directory Get help! We are currently setting up a Global Services Directory. Find local helplines with one click. We aim to include information on all countries world-wide. What is Feminicide? Who is impacted? Why do we need to address it? Why is it distinct from other killings? TOP PICKS The Routledge International Handbook on Femicide and Feminicide Book Publication Read Femi(ni)cide 101: What do you need to know about femicide? Topic Dossier Read The Femicide Volumes Collection 2013-2023 Edited Volume Read Browse by Category Dossier (6) (-) Definition (8) Multimedia (24) News (30) Data (30) Events (16) Activism (17) Policy (31) (-) Research (243) LATEST POSTS Gendered pandemics: Suicide, femicide and COVID-19 31.01.2021 Study Read Research on intimate partner violence and femicide, attempted femicide, and pregnancy-associated femicide 01.09.2009 ---------- TYPE OF POLICY ----------- Read Unsettling spaces: Grassroots responses to Canada’s missing and murdered Indigenous women during the Harper government years 20.12.2016 Article Read The murders of Indigenous women in Canada as feminicides: Toward a decolonial intersectional reconceptualization of femicide 01.01.2018 Article Read Sex selection: The systematic elimination of girls 01.05.2002 Study Read The role of ethnicity and context: Intimate femicide rates among social groups in Israeli society 17.12.2010 Study Read Every eight hours: Intimate femicide in South Africa 10 years later 02.08.2012 Report Read National Strategic Plan on gender-based violence and femicide | South Africa 12.05.2020 Report Read “It is better if I kill her”: Perceptions and opinions of violence against women and femicide in Ocotal, Nicaragua, after Law 779 02.06.2015 Study Read Perceptions and realities of violence in Medellín, Colombia 02.01.2019 Study Read Intimate partner violence and femicide in Ecuador 02.07.2017 Study Read Femicide penal response in the Americas: Indicators and the misuses of crime statistics, evidence from Peru 02.12.2014 Study Read Violence against women in Australia, 2017 | Submission to the Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women 21.01.2017 Report Read Inter-gender murder in NSW, 1901–1955: Reconsidering the laws of the fraternity 16.12.2020 Study Read Turkey’s femicide toll soars amid coronavirus lockdowns | Al Monitor 21.03.2020 Article Read Judith Butler: When killing women isn’t a crime | NYT 10.07.2019 Article Read Análisis de legislación sobre femicidio/feminicidio en América Latina y el Caribe e insumos para una ley modelo 13.12.2018 Report Read The architecture of feminicide: The state, inequalities, and everyday gender violence in Honduras 16.08.2017 Study Read + More
Global Knowledge Hub on Femi(ni)cide Learn about what we mean by "femi(ni)cide. Explore our carefully curated selection of articles, studies, reports, events, key actors and much more... Learn more about the platform What is Femi(ni)cide? What do we mean by gender-related killings of women and girls? Where does it happen? Why is it happening? Find more questions and answers in our Femicide 101. Click here to read Knowledges. Experiences. Networks. We aim to showcase and connect activists, academics, researchers and practitioners via our Expert Directory. Go to Expert Directory Get help! We are currently setting up a Global Services Directory. Find local helplines with one click. We aim to include information on all countries world-wide. What is Feminicide? Who is impacted? Why do we need to address it? Why is it distinct from other killings?
What is Femi(ni)cide? What do we mean by gender-related killings of women and girls? Where does it happen? Why is it happening? Find more questions and answers in our Femicide 101. Click here to read Knowledges. Experiences. Networks. We aim to showcase and connect activists, academics, researchers and practitioners via our Expert Directory. Go to Expert Directory Get help! We are currently setting up a Global Services Directory. Find local helplines with one click. We aim to include information on all countries world-wide. What is Feminicide? Who is impacted? Why do we need to address it? Why is it distinct from other killings?
Knowledges. Experiences. Networks. We aim to showcase and connect activists, academics, researchers and practitioners via our Expert Directory. Go to Expert Directory Get help! We are currently setting up a Global Services Directory. Find local helplines with one click. We aim to include information on all countries world-wide. What is Feminicide? Who is impacted? Why do we need to address it? Why is it distinct from other killings?
Get help! We are currently setting up a Global Services Directory. Find local helplines with one click. We aim to include information on all countries world-wide. What is Feminicide? Who is impacted? Why do we need to address it? Why is it distinct from other killings?
What is Feminicide? Who is impacted? Why do we need to address it? Why is it distinct from other killings?
Research on intimate partner violence and femicide, attempted femicide, and pregnancy-associated femicide 01.09.2009 ---------- TYPE OF POLICY ----------- Read
Unsettling spaces: Grassroots responses to Canada’s missing and murdered Indigenous women during the Harper government years 20.12.2016 Article Read
The murders of Indigenous women in Canada as feminicides: Toward a decolonial intersectional reconceptualization of femicide 01.01.2018 Article Read
The role of ethnicity and context: Intimate femicide rates among social groups in Israeli society 17.12.2010 Study Read
“It is better if I kill her”: Perceptions and opinions of violence against women and femicide in Ocotal, Nicaragua, after Law 779 02.06.2015 Study Read
Femicide penal response in the Americas: Indicators and the misuses of crime statistics, evidence from Peru 02.12.2014 Study Read
Violence against women in Australia, 2017 | Submission to the Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women 21.01.2017 Report Read
Inter-gender murder in NSW, 1901–1955: Reconsidering the laws of the fraternity 16.12.2020 Study Read
Análisis de legislación sobre femicidio/feminicidio en América Latina y el Caribe e insumos para una ley modelo 13.12.2018 Report Read
The architecture of feminicide: The state, inequalities, and everyday gender violence in Honduras 16.08.2017 Study Read